If you are working on a big project
with large directories containing several source files, then there is
a good chance that you might need multiple files to be open at the
same time. And if you use vim editor or rely more on terminal (CLI)
in a linux environment to accomplish your work, then you definitely
would have felt the need to manage the multiple terminal windows that
lay scattered around all over the desktop. I tried other options like
terminator etc., but my friend recently introduced me to Byobu, and I
find it to be the best and straightforward option to manage multiple
terminal windows.
To install Byobu:
// Install byobu % sudo apt-get install byobu
To use it:
Open a terminal window (Cntl+Alt+t)
// just type byobu % byobu
And, now use the following key-bindings
to create new terminal window panes and navigate between them.
F2 - Create a new window
F3 - Move to previous window
F4 - Move to next window
F5 - Reload profile
F6 - Detach from this session
For more key-bindings and info, go to: http://byobu.co/documentation.html
Here's a screen-shot of how i looks:
I hope this helps. :)
Nice information. Thanks for sharing.